How To Organize Under Your Sink

Under-sink cabinets can be one of the most challenging spaces in your home to capitalize on. The pipes from the sink get in the way, items get lost in the back of the cabinet, there are questionable drips and spills, and you always (and I mean ALWAYS) seem to bang your head on the underside of the counter when exiting this dark abyss for a breath of fresh air. 

But with a bit of clever organization and a little elbow grease, you can make your sink cabinets work for you. 

Step 1: Purge

The first step in organizing is always purging. Take everything out. Every bottle, container, hair dryer, and roll of toilet paper needs to be removed to create a blank slate. If you haven’t used something in 6 months, it’s expired, or it doesn’t belong in that cabinet, GET RID OF IT. Donate unused items, recycle empty containers, and toss everything else. 

Step 2: Clean

Cleaning comes next around here. Vacuum out the cupboard first using your hose attachment. Be sure to run it alongside the edges and corners to suck up any dust and grime that’s found its way into these cracks or along the hinges.

Next, fill your sink (or a bucket) with a gallon of hot water, ⅓ cup of bleach, and a teaspoon of powdered Tide®. Then wipe everything down until it sparkles. If you have spills, they might require some elbow grease.

You can make your life a little easier by putting down some adhesive-backed paper on the bottom of your cabinets (once clean and dry). This gives you a protective surface that’s inexpensive and simple to clean. If there are any stains or spills in the future, you can replace this liner with a fresh application and it’ll look as good as new.

Step 3: Organize

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Next, decide how you want to organize your cabinet. Since there are likely many smaller items, containment and organization is the key. So instead of open shelves, go for pull-out drawers, turntables with removable sections, and stackable clear bins. 

A pull-out shelf can make a world of difference in making everything accessible and not losing things at the back of your cabinet. (Measure first before ordering!)

Adjustable open shelves that work around the plumbing are another excellent choice. 

A great budget-friendly option is using a tension rod across your cabinet to hang your cleaning bottles, cloths, or other items. This will raise them off the bottom of the cabinet to make room for other things. (It also helps keep the inside surfaces of your cabinets cleaner.)

Think outside of the box. Can you use the cupboard door? You can find great organizers to hang on the door for storing sponges, hair styling tools, etc. Use every inch to its full potential. But, at the same time, make sure you aren’t hanging onto anything you no longer need. Ideally, you land a little closer to the “minimalist” end of the spectrum than the “hoarder” end of things.

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Step 4: Keep it Up!

One of the hardest parts of organizing is keeping it that way. So when you use an item, PUT IT BACK where it belongs. Don’t just toss it back in willy-nilly, or all your hard work will go down the drain (pun intended) in about a week. And don’t forget to teach your partner and kids the system, too.

The good news is that it’s psychologically easier to keep a space clean once it’s already clean. In other words, if your cabinet is totally organized, you’re less likely to just throw an item in and shut the door. (On the flip side, if you have junk strewn across your cabinets, you’ll think, what’s one more thing?)

Every time I open a cluttered cupboard, I feel overwhelmed. But on the flip side, every time I open a clean, organized cupboard, I feel relaxed. Hopefully, these tips and tricks will help you get your sink cabinets organized, and keep them that way so that you can have the same relaxed feeling.

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– Becky @ GoCleanCo

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